jelly star

SEPTEMBER 03, 2013

Is Your Nest Empty? Connecticut’s Children Need You!

Have your children grown up and moved out? How about a ready made kid who needs a loving parent or two?

If you already raised children you have what it takes to become a foster parent for a child in Connecticut. Joe Dickerson,an experienced foster parent in Manchester, says “you don’t have to be perfect, just genuine and sincere.” The rest will fall into place. There are hundreds of CT children needing foster care. Many are children of parents who had their rights terminated by DCF for abuse or neglect.

In a discussion on Manchester Review  in September, Dickerson and Joy L. Mitchell, a clinical supervisor for Community Health Resources (CHR), explain foster care, who the children are, the need for foster parents and describe the support given to foster parents by CHR. Parents receive training and ongoing support from the agency as well as a financial subsidy for each child in their care. Joe  says: “You can make a difference in the life of a child and have a direct impact on someone’s life for eternity.”

You can find out more about CHR’s Foster Care Programs by watching Manchester Review on  Mondays on channel 15 in September or on YouTube (Manchester Review: Foster Care: CT ‘s Children Need You) at any time.

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