101 Reward Ideas for Kids
You may be feeling you get stuck always offering the same few rewards to your child.
This list of reward ideas may help you with the task:
Edible Reward Ideas:
- Ice Cream Sundaes
- Bake Donuts
- Let your child choose their favorite breakfast cereal
- Bake a Cake
- Your child can choose a restaurant for dinner
- Pick up some Hot Cocoa at the local coffee shop
- Tiny Candies
- Let them choose/pack their own lunch for school
- Add sprinkles to their peanut butter toast
- Visit a sweet shop
- Make cinnamon rolls
- Candy Bar
- Cocoa Bombs
- Make Rice Krispie Treats
- Let them choose which veggies to add to dinner
- Fruit Smoothies
- Make popsicles from juice
- Bake Chocolate Chip Cookies
- Granola Bar
- Cheese Stick
Sensory Reward Ideas for Kids:
- Get moving with indoor exercise, like yoga
- Play in the Dirt
- Have a special dessert
- Get creative with some rock painting.
- Listen to an Audiobook
- Go on a nature walk
- Build with blocks
- Foot rub
- Sing a song
- Go on a special drive
- Visit the Beach
- Body Squeezes
- Hand-holding
- Cuddle on the Couch
- Backrub
- Play with their hair
- Play with a sensory bin
- Bake bread (an example of tactile, olfactory, and gustatory sensory input)
- Watch a video together
- Play with a water table
Social Rewards / Reinforcers:
- High five
- Hug
- Secret handshake
- Play with them with their favorite toys
- Read a book to them
- Color with your Child
- Applause
- Verbal praise
- Sharing your pride with others “Did you hear how great Sara did when she mowed the lawn?”
- Facetime a family member
- Go over some emotions flashcards and have a chat about feelings
- Plan a playdate
- Sing a silly song
- Make up a story
- Visit the library
- Offer to have a friend spend the night
- Play one of their favorite waiting game
- Meet friends at the park
Using Activities as a Reward:
- A trip to the pancake house
- Walk to the park
- Create a garden
- Visit a museum
- See the circus perform
- Go on a walk
- Watch a movie
- Go skateboarding
- Build a Lego kit together
- Get crafting! Pull out your craft supplies and get creative together
- A trip to the zoo
- A bubble bath
- Walk around the farmers’ market
- Visit the toy store
- Go on a hike
- Watch a play
- Try out a new science experiment together
- Make playdough
- Have a dance party
- Paint their nails
Tangible Reward Ideas
- A new card game like Uno
- A sweet treat
- They get to choose what cereal is purchased
- Stickers
- Star on their chart
- Make bath time extra special- Get some bath bombs
- New art supplies
- X amount of extra time on an electronic device
- Let them choose new nail polish colors
- A special App
- A new book
- Yoga Cards to get out the wiggles
- A new backpack
- Some hair accessories
- Let them pick out a new coloring book
- A trip to grandparents’ house
- Visit the pet store to look at the fish
- A crafting kit
- Horse riding lessons
- An outdoor toy like a new playground
- A new outfit
- Temporary tattoos
- Sports ball to encourage more play outside