manchester connecticut outpatient

manchester connecticut outpatient

CHR provides personalized behavioral healthcare services at our Manchester Connecticut Outpatient location. This includes care from our team of experts who are experienced in helping those in need of services for mental health, substance use, co-occurring disorders, and trauma-related illnesses.

Our services are tailored for people of all ages and clients can participate in individual, group, or family-oriented treatments. The environment that we create at CHR is always warm, judgment-free, and welcoming. This sets up our clients for a successful road to recovery.

Below are some of the services we offer at the Manchester location:

  • Crisis support, short and long term therapy
  • 24/7 crisis prevention, intervention, and emergency services
  • Psychiatric evaluation to create a plan of care that may include medications
  • Individual, group, and family therapy
  • Medication management services
  • Individual, family, and group therapy
  • Individualized treatment planning

Our individualized approach to care is designed with our belief that recovery is always possible. If you or someone you know may need our services, we welcome self-referrals as well as referrals from parents, guardians, family members, and friends. We also take referrals from schools, hospitals, private providers, primary care physicians, pediatricians, community agencies and emergency service personnel, and more.

To learn more about our Manchester Connecticut Outpatient services, you can call us toll-free at 1.877.884.3571 or directly at 860.646.3888. The address is 444 Center Street Manchester, CT 06040. For additional information, please visit

manchester connecticut outpatient